pulse fishing 7

Economic Results

Economic Results of Pulse Fishing


For this project, Kees Taal, researcher at LEI, has researched the economic results of pulse fishing and the effect of the new cable on the economic results of pulse fishers. It appeared that there is insufficient experience with the new cable to be able to comment on depreciation periods of the new cable. The De Regt cable was installed and taken into use on several cutters. On some ships the cable functions well and without any problems. On one particular cutter, the cable has been in use for a long time (one year) while other cutters experience breakage within a few weeks time. Causes may vary. The high lifespan variation (breakage/no breakage) makes it impossible to comment on the depreciation period to be expected and consequently the yearly costs of the new cable.


With the LEI company information net as a basis, however, comments can be made on the economic situation of fishermen with traditional rigging with chains and pulse fishers.


A comparison between cutters with pulse fishing gear and bottom trawlers shows that pulse fishers in general:

  • have 44% less gasoil costs.
  • have 100% higher fishing rigging costs.
  • have a 43% increase in profit shares for the crew.
  • have 20% higher depreciation and 12% higher interest.
  • have an overall reduction of costs of 11%.


The cost increase related to the use of pulse fishing rigging (both the investments and maintenance and repair costs) and the increased costs of wages etc. are, on balance, easily compensated by lower gasoil costs, in particular. The nett surplus (nett returns) of pulse fishing rigging cutters was positive (over 600 euro per seaday). For trawler cutters on the other hand, the nett surplus was, on average,, overall negative (almost 700 euro per seaday).


Economic Results of Pulse Fishing Gear better than Trawling Gear

The use of pulse fishing gear for soles as a main catch is from a financial and economic point of view significantly more profitable than the use of traditional rigging with chains. The profits are, in general, equal or higher, while the total costs are, in general lower, or at least relatively lower (for Eurokotters). A substantial amount is saved on fuel and the fuel use – fish haulage ratio is 20% more profitable (2,000 hp cutters). The E-cutters and electrodes are relatively expensive components of the pulse system and form a large part of the fishing gear costs. The pulse fishermens returns can increase further if the depreciation costs of the electrodes and the feeder cable are further reduced.

Image: Wear and tear electrode

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Delmeco Fishing Technology BV

Marquesweg 4
4462HD Goes, The Netherlands

+31 (0)113-695553